The PDP party In Afghanistan was close to Russia (soviet union). Noor Mohammad Taraki was then President of Afghanistan. Hafizullah Amin was the 2nd no. of Afghanistan and was close to Noor Mohammad. In Sep 1979 Amin made a plane landing late of Mr Noor Mohammad. Then Taraki dismissed Amin, but Amin said that Taraki should be dismissed as he was old. On 12th Sep Taraki called him but he refused. On 14 Sep on behalf of Russia, he came and security personnel firing happened but Amin was rescued. But Amin put the Army on high alert.ON 8TH October 1979 3 people killed Noor Mohammad Taraki with a pillow. Hafizullah, Amin said that due to disease he died.
USSR got Angry, it was found out that Amin wanted to go to US. PDPA had become weak. 3 months after the death of Taraki 24 Dec 1979 Russia entered Afghanistan. Soviet army Killed Hafizullah Amin.300 Afghan army personnel were killed, and 1700 surrendered in front of Russia. The Soviet army made Babrak Karmal President. USA, PAKISTAN, CHINA, and ARABIA helped Afghanistan fighters who were fighting the soviet union. These were like Osama bin Laden, the Taliban helped by America as they was fighting the soviet union. India was with Russia, USA helped with money and weapons to these revolutionaries.Cia(American intelligence agency), and ISI(Pakistan intelligence agency) were friends. Soviet remained in Afghanistan for 9 years. M. Gorbachev was the new President of Russia, and he decided to get out of Afghanistan. M. Gorvachev made M. Najibullah President of Afghanistan. 5 lakh people had been killed, and 60 lakh have left their homes to Iran, and Pakistan.
In UNO USA said that he would not help Talib if the Soviets went out of Afghanistan. Soviet took 1 year to get out of Afghanistan. M. Nazibullah was close to Islam.
However, the fight between Revolutionaries and Nazibullah continued even after the Soviets were out of Russia. In December 1991 the Soviet Union was divided, now it was only Russia. After that Nazibullah became alone, on 18th March 1992 he resigned but Mujahideen had entered Kabul so he had to resign. These Revolutionaries were divided in many parts. Pakistan supported the Taliban. After four years of a power struggle between different parts of revolutionaries, in 1996 Taliban captured Kabul. Taliban killed Nazibullah. Taliban remained for 5 years in Afghanistan was in bad shape, with no electricity, or water. Taliban started torturing people. Women should be in burqas, cinema TV were closed.
On 11 Sep 2001, the American World Trade Center towers were attacked by Osama bin Laden, and thousands of people were killed. George W. Bush attacked Afghanistan with its allies such as NATO, Britain, etc.Taliban lost to america,after that USA supported ruled Afghanistan. In the year 2018, the Taliban started talking with America, and America they would be out of Afghanistan. Now Afghanistan is under the control of the Taliban Government.


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