Quin Shi Huang was the first Emperor of unified China. He first Ordered the joining of existing walls to make a big wall of China & protect China from attacks of the North. The majority of the wall is from the Ming dynasty(1368-1644) for silk route trade regulation. The Great Wall of China is 21,196km long and is a combination of many walls. The Great Wall of China was 25 feet high and 15-30 feet wide. Mongolian Nomads did not have suitable land for farming compared to China, so they used to attack the Chinese area. By the 16th Century Mongolians had strong weapons so now the Chinese wanted a strong wall of China to protect its boundaries. In 1550 Mongols attacked China and the weak position of China came in front of everyone. The Great Wall of China is made up of stone, brick, wood, rice, and other materials. Kilns were used for brickmaking.3.87 billion bricks were used to build the Great Wall of China. Approximately 10 lakh people worked for the Great Wall of China, many of them were soldiers. The temperature was more than 40 degrees which also gets freezing low. Lakhs of people died during the making of the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China is not a continuous line. Trees were cut to see invaders and extensions of the Great Wall of China were made. Every km had 120 soldiers, some watch towers were very close and some were on distance of 3km. Chinese soldiers used to Connect through signaling,flagshowing, and smoke. The Great Wall of China is a UNESCO world heritage site. Millions of people visit the Great Wall of China every year. The Great Wall of China crosses nine provinces.


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